Hello All

I’ve recently been reminded, on personal level, how precious and fragile life is. A few weeks ago I found out that a young man I had worked off-an-on with for years was killed in an accident. It was a shock to my system. A deep sadness came up and for a while all I could do was wonder at the challenge that profound loss creates.
And, simultaneously my wife began working with a family whose toddler is battling cancer. This little girl has had to go through similar rounds of chemo as my mother and is fighting to live…it is literally incomprehensible.
So, I’ve been thinking about how one deals with what seems to be the un-acceptable. Something so immensely painful and tragic that the mind cannot integrate it, cannot process it.
Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.
Now, now, now, now.
Now breathe now breathe now breathe now breathe
There are things in life, in this world that defy our logic, defy our rationality, defy our will – events and experiences which are too big to try and manage.
Only presence, only right here, right now, this breath, this moment can I hope to find peace and some form of acceptance of what IS.
This isn’t a psychology thing, it’s not a Buddhist thing, it’s a human thing, a uniquely human thing – to be with what feels un-bearable and in doing that perhaps we can touch into the source of true peace and contentment.

Yours in Warmth,
